Thursday, July 31, 2008

Navajo Intertribal Ceremonial

Everyone come to the Navajo Intertribal Indian Ceremonial next week in Gallup! There is a rodeo, dancing, arts & crafts, food and lots of seller's tables with jewelry, jewelry, jewelry!

You can't ask for a more beautiful place to experience the ceremonial dance and awesome costumes, with barn swallows swooping and diving, the huge open sky and 10,000 visitors from across the planet!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Pueblo Summer

Early morning is beautiful in New Mexico, and a summer morning tastes of low slow moving clouds, Western Kingbirds chattering in the still dark trees and a breeze like refrigerated air flowing down from the mesa.

The Search: We're on our way to Gallup - breakfast at Earl's. Huevos Rancheros, red chili, hash browns and an endless parade of hopeful Navajo vendors . Grandmothers in shawls, teenagers with colorful hair, dark-eyed siversmiths with heavy Sterling and leather ketohs and concho belts come to our table.
